Sacred Community, Artistic Refinement, and Growth Opportunity for Storytellers of the New Paradigm

Writing Groups - Alchemy & Embodiment Workshops - Women’s Council

It is one thing to be doing the work in private. It is another to be supported, seen, and honored for the thresholds you are crossing, the stories you are weaving, the culture you are birthing.

In other words,

storytellers need storytellers…

to learn and to grow,

to believe ourselves capable,

to keep faith for tomorrow,

and to remember how to live inside of love today.

For centuries, the authentic voices of women have been stifled by fear of vast emotion, deceptive contracts of bondage (i.e. the Little Mermaid), and doubt of belonging.

For those courageous enough to break free, isolation can become the backdrop for our journeys as we navigate grief, responsibilities, Mothering, work, initiations, local and global corruption, and noise.

We asked ourselves…

  • Where do the initiated gather to both receive and give?

  • How do we become good ancestors with rich stories to pass down without support and practice?

  • What kind of world can beauty and truth create?

Through writing, story, and the irreplaceable power of community witnessing in Saga, we are seeing a movement of beauty, truth, and power unfold amongst women who are creating courageously with the unique paths and Soul Songs we have been entrusted with.

“This space is so sacred and empowering. For the first time ever, I have begun to put my poems into a manuscript with form and design.”

“Saga is incredible. It is one of the purest spaces I have ever been a part of. The integrity is the loudest affirmation I can share.”

Hi, I’m Noël

Poet, Mother, Women’s Circle Facilitator, and Keeper of Saga.

I am a woman living and working on a Maine Island. My journey as a Wild Poet began as a little girl, talking to angels, singing to my dead goldfish as he crossed over, and stuffing love poems into Lisa Frank folders. My path has gifted me with many profound initiations including liberation from broken Evangelicalism, divorce, solo nomadic living, freebirth, child loss, and sacred partnership. Through it all, I write because I must. I’ve completed 3.5 poetry collections, with my first public release, Mother of Poem, coming in 2024.

I’ve worked in Communications and Editing for 8 years and have been a Sacred Circle Facilitator for 4 years. In Saga, I guide and weave with women who pour from crown to root, sourcing wisdom from Earth, Body, and Heavenly Realms.

When I conceived my daughter, Edda, in 2022, I conceived Saga. Edda chose to leave the world shortly after birth. Saga remained. My daughter woke me up to an infinite story of love, attuning me forever to my North Star, as Mother Poet and Death Initiate, in service to Life, Our Beautiful Earth, and Her Children.

Saga’s Beginning

Saga was created in 2023 to help guide women into their authentic voices and fulfillment of the calling to write.

Saga first opened her doors as a Year-Round Membership and has since evolved to programs and gatherings created and run by Noël Ruth, Jenny Ann Holden, and guest facilitators who all bring their own unique medicine to the Saga community.