Mother Tongue Writing Group


6 women

Will Re-Open in the Fall 2024

Explore your writing voice as Mother.

Anchor in your power and love as Woman.

I am so smitten with Mother Tongue. It’s difficult to find a container and a community that understands the constraints of motherhood, that work with rather than against those constraints, to keep us in the flow of existing as artist/poet.

Becoming Mother changes everything.

Suddenly, the way we were before has dissolved over and over again - a welcome dissolution for some, and a deeply challenging loss for others. For most Mothers, it is both.  

Along with this surrender of identity is the surrender of the maiden voice:

She who thought she had met her edges, has now roared through threshold after threshold at the birthing altar to bring forth pure  life. Where will her voice now dare to go?

She who was once only responsible for herself is now the Mama Bear frequency keeper, love storyteller, care provider, protector, and space holder for little ones. What holy ground will her voice now cover?

Suddenly, love has new flavors. Boundaries have new importance. Life has new meaning.

The Mother Tongue wants in…

But it takes time. Release. Focus. Raw honesty. Tenderness. 

Join Poet, Noel Ruth, for four gentle and powerful weeks as we each explore how and where our unique Mother Tongues are ready to take root in our writing, our speech, and our lives.


  • are Mothers

  • Sense a creative expansion in their voice wanting to take place

  • Don’t resonate entirely with their former writing (so much has changed) but are unsure how to evolve

  • Feel avoidant (fear, insecurity, doubt) towards their current writing, or feel like when they do write it is forced

  • Want to integrate newfound Mother power, love, and values into their writing and life

    You will receive weekly invitations and encouragement in your inbox, writing prompts to inspire your flow, and one live gathering per week for writing and sharing together with five other women.

Circle Facilitator:

Noël Ruth

A sweet anchor in the river of life that is mothering. This month brought so much nectar for this hungry Mother Tongue.

Noël is a Mother, Poet, Author, Women's Circle Facilitator, and the Creator of Saga. Noël guides women along the sacred writer path into elevated creative landscapes, where living words are born and heal the world. She is Mama to her firstborn daughter, Edda, who went back to the spirit realm shortly after birth, and Astraea, who was born June 2024. She lives on a rural island off the coast of Maine, where she channels writings about the divine feminine, death, birth, life, land, and sea.

Register for Mother Tongue

Sliding Scale Rate: $100 - $150