Your story can heal generations.

Saga is a global web of storytellers creating wholeness on Earth through writing, voice, lineage, and community.

The most life-giving, nurturing space for writers and poets…”


Saga has the power to change families, to change communities, as we step into the potent power our voices hold.”


…an immaculate space to land back into my writing flow, channel my inner oracle, and commune with sisters dedicated to their storytelling…


  • The ancestral call lives in your blood. It calls to you as a grandmother drum or a siren honeysong, singing "pick up your pen and continue your weaving..."

  • Many wise women are doing the sacred work in isolation, struggling to sustain their creativity, ready for a Temple space of reverence to be witnessed and supported in shared devotion...

  • The ancient Story Circle opens her arms to you. We can support the conception, gestation, and birth of your sacred texts and stories. Together we are walking into the peace and joy of our works’ fulfillment...

  • Join us as we infuse our bodies, lineages, and communities with living words of light; a medicine that will inspire and restore the world that our children will care for tomorrow.

Weave With Saga

  • Writing Groups

    Write with a specific theme in an intimate group of women for a few weeks. Low cost, low commitment, deeply supportive.

  • Writer's Council

    Root into your calling as Storyteller & Oracular Poet for three months through embodiment workshops, writing circles, and story circles.

  • VESSEL 1:1

    Refine your channel, elevate your creative landscape, and pour into your sacred writing with 12 weeks of 1:1 mentorship.


Inspire a culture of vulnerability, truth, and interconnectedness through writing and voice.

Hi, I’m Noël

Poet, Mother, Women’s Circle Facilitator, and Keeper of Saga.

I am a woman living and working on a Maine Island. My journey as a Wild Poet began as a little girl, talking to angels, singing to my dead goldfish as he crossed over, and stuffing love poems into Lisa Frank folders. My path has gifted me with many profound initiations including liberation from Evangelicalism, divorce, solo nomadic living, freebirth, child loss, sacred partnership, and mothering. Through it all, I write because I must. I’ve completed 3.5 poetry collections, with my first public release, Mother of Poem, coming in 2024.

I’ve worked in Communications and Editing for 8 years and have been a Sacred Circle Facilitator for 4 years. In Saga, I guide and weave with women who pour from crown to root, sourcing wisdom from Earth, Body, and Heavenly Realms.

When I conceived my daughter, Edda, in 2022, I conceived Saga. Edda chose to leave the world shortly after birth. Saga remained. My daughter woke me up to an infinite story of love, attuning me forever to my North Star, as Mother Poet and Death Initiate, in service to Life, Our Beautiful Earth, and Her Children.

Hi, I’m Jenny

Writer, Embodiment Guide and Guardian of Saga.

I live on the unseeded territories of the Quw’utsun people on Vancouver Island, Canada. I am an interdisciplinary, multidimensional artist and storyteller. I spent my 20’s trying to ‘fit in’ to the masculine world of academia, often being told by my professors that my writing was “too flowery.”

Spiritual initiation through relationship trauma compelled me to sever from my old life and walk the feminine mystery path. I have been devoted to the feminine wisdom way ever since.

I have chosen to use my body, my voice, my artistry to unearth and transmute ancestral stories, using my imagination to anchor a vision of a more beautiful world. I strongly believe that women are remembering our sacred responsibility to our cultural pro-creation. In Saga, I anchor a cultural midwifery ethos that is the foundation of our growing community.

By going deeper into myth, I go deeper into love, and when I go deeper into love, innately I find morality; I locate a True North in my own heart.

— Martin Shaw