Wild Belonging Writing Group


8 women

August 11/ 18 / 25 Sept 1st

10am-11:30 am PST / 1-2:30pm EST

Photo by Anabel De La Forêt

Explore your deepest embodied stories.

“There is a wilderness in every person. A way of walking…an inclination, a blinking impulse that silently draws us forward. Like an elephant finding water in a desert it has never traveled, or a bird coming to fly with brand new wings, we all have this instinctual capacity. It is the animal in us that knows what it knows, and it’s the origin  from which all creativity is expressed.” -Toko-pa Turner

Reclaiming Self.

Rediscovering kinship.

Reweaving culture.

Together we will trek into the wild terrain of our belonging, through the portal of our bodies. We will encounter stories and narratives that shape our experience of being human and meet our deepest longings to be woven with the earth. 

We will unearth treasures from our journey’s within the life/death/life cycle. We will allow the wisdom of our bodies to take us into the mysteries of our fertile imagination.

We will share stories in need of telling- not just for our own emergence, but for the wider culture.

Why this writing circle?

“There are new stories, new ways, and new templates for meeting life that long to be born into our collective awareness. To nurture new stories, we must get low and listen. We must turn on the ears of the psyche, and call them forth from the deep.”- Daje James

I am devoted to creative practices that enhance my sense of belonging, and I want to extend that to you.

Why? Because belonging is a fundamental human need. When we lack a sense of belonging, we can feel isolated, unfulfilled, anxious, and fragmented. Being disconnected from a sense of belonging can serve as a powerful driver for personal and spiritual growth. Every person yearns to be acknowledged, understood, and supported, which enhances our overall well-being.

Your gifts can only come forward when you have felt true belonging. 

I've come to understand that our bodies hold a mysterious connection to the intricate web of life, shaping our sense of belonging. Separation from this interconnectedness can plunge us into profound pain, prompting us to detach as a coping mechanism. 

Wild Belonging invites us into a different story–one that has the potential to change lives and shift culture.

What to Expect:

An Intimate Virtual Circle (4 total): Be welcomed by the supportive energy of an intimate group of women who are devoted to exploring their inner landscape and expressing their deepest truths. Prepare to be witnessed.

Guided Writing Exercises: Engage in curated writing prompts and embodiment practices that encourage your felt sense to come more alive as you deepen into creative flow, traveling through the terrain of your stories around belonging.

Ritual and Ceremony: Between meetings, you will be encouraged to create writing rituals and ceremonies that support your integration of what emerges in our sessions. These rituals will be life long companions.

Emotional Release: This is a brave space to express and process your emotions, which alchemizes/transforms our stories into gold. This is the path of wild belonging.

Shared Readings: Meet your edge around being seen by sharing your writings to the group. This build our muscle for intimacy with self and others and is a big part of embodying our belonging.

This 4 week writing group is ideal for women seeking deeper intimacy to themselves, their voice, and their creative process. This space is for those who long for community with other storytelling women.

Whether you are an experienced storyteller/writer or just beginning your journey, this space offers a non-judgemental, nurturing environment to meet yourself more fully.


  • Who have journeyed into a deeper place of belonging that few in our modern culture know how to communicate. 

  • Who are compelled to share their mythic (and logic defying) stories to, and return from, the underworld

  • Who long for kinship with others who are also creating culture 

  • Who require support on how to weave personal stories of healing and transformation into the wider cultural landscape 

  • Who desire creative practice that is connected to the earth

  • Who believe that their voice needs to be expressed in order to experience true belonging


We live in a culture that equates trauma, grief and pain with isolation. Those who are immersed in these emotional, psychological and somatic states have no safe space within the confines of modern culture to be witnessed and held in community. 

Those immersed in the Underworld of trauma and grief are welcomed into this space as it is my deepest desire for all to experience true belonging with the web of life. It is my prayer that this space serves your reweaving and that by choosing to step into this space you are honoring your journey alongside others. 

Your grief and trauma stories are welcome. That being said, this is not therapy and if you believe that you may need therapeutic support, to arrange this for yourself in advance.

You will receive weekly invitations and encouragement in your inbox, writing prompts to inspire your flow, and one live gathering per week for writing and sharing together with eight other women.

Register for Wild Belonging

Sliding Scale Rate: $100 - $150