Writing Circles

Unleash expression through prompts and sharing.

Every Saga Writing Circle with Noël includes:

  • 1. Custom Theme & Presentation

    What is asking to be woven within your community? What theme would you like to introduce or go deeper into, together? We will attune to the right medicine for your space, and create a custom Writing Circle experience with tailored to your unique community. Past themes include, but are not limited to: heart, womb, root, ancestors, grief/loss, intimacy, earth attunement, archetypes, channel clearing, softening, courage, birth, death.

  • 2. Grounding & Orientation

    After grounding into the space together, I will set the stage for the medicine writing we will be doing together, based on the topic we will be exploring. Presenting thoughts, quotes, and feelings that open us to the essence of the creative journey ahead.

    Grounding & Orientation typically lasts around 15-20 minutes.

  • 3. Soul Writing Prompts & Playlist

    I present a slideshow series of unique writing prompts, tailored to the vision for your community experience, designed to support the re-connection with body, soul, truth, creativity, and eachother. This writing experience is accompanied by a custom Spotify playlist, curated to deepen into the essence of the theme.

    Writing time typically lasts around 30-45 minutes.

  • 4. Sharing Space

    After writing time, the space is opened for sharing our writing and our experience. Voices soften into truth, nervous systems expand, and the beauty of weaving together in circle infuses the community culture with respect, love, and trust.

    Sharing Space typically lasts around 30 minutes.

“The Writing Circle beckons us into an ancient, courageous method of voice healing, brave relating, and feeling into our power as creators on Earth. There is nothing more fulfilling to me than experiencing the collective tapestries of truth and beauty that are woven in every single unique Writing Circle I’ve had the honor of facilitating.”

NOËL RUTH, Keeper of Saga

Noël’s ability to create and uphold a container of sacred exchange, vulnerability, and creativity through Writing Circle is breathtaking. She is a warrior cloaked with grace and I truly believe she can make anyone feel safe and welcome in her presence.
— Marie

Writing Circle Testimonials

There are so few people who can hold a space so secure and safe where I can let down my walls like I did in Writing Circle. Thank you from the bottom of my soul, my essence, my being, my everything.
— Kendall
I wish I could be in that heart space for hours. Such a somatic journey. Like a house of plain mirrors reflecting feminine fire, earth, and water. If you want to witness a truly prepared Quad Right Projector, join Noël in her writing circles.
— Liz
Writing is a gift I want to call back in and Noël’s circle was the perfect way to ignite the flame.
— Kailey

Book a 90 Minute Private Online

Writing Circle for $222